From Asia to Europe – 10km run within the Vodafone 36th Istanbul Marathon

The 10km run within the Vodafone 36th Istanbul Marathon is my best 10km run so far. The bridge over the Bosphorus could not have been full of spectators who waited for the 42km start a moment ago, lazily sauntering along the track in the direction of Europe... I would say that the ~1.5km long climb down was not the most pleasant, because after that, the legs feel like pasta for another hundred meters .. However, the grand palace gates spotted on the left at one stage were impressive!

The last kilometer before the finish seemed the longest. At first I happily thought: “Oh! Only one km left!”, but then I saw Galata bridge over Golden Horn water body and it seemed endless..
Pēdējos 50m, kad biju šķērsojusi 15km skrējēju plūsmu, izspiedu no sevis pēdējos spēkus, un skatoties taimerī pie finiša līnijas, jau priecājos, ka esmu uzstādījusi savu personīgo rekordu 10km distancē.  Tātad, kopsavilkumā – 16.Novembra rītā esmu oficiāli šķērsojusi Bosfora šaurumu, skrienot no Āzijas uz Eiropu un, pašai par patīkamu pārsteigumu, uzstādīju ne tikai savu personīgo rekordu (48min 06s) 10km distancē, bet arī starp 2961 skrējējām, kas paspējušas finišēt 3h laikā, esmu pat tikusi 13.vietā!

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